Monthly Archives: January 2019

One Little Word 2019

Like so many others, I gave up New Year’s resolutions years ago.  I know myself well enough to know that good intentions will likely not change my behavior over the long haul.  Of course I want to eat better, exercise more, and be a kinder, more thoughtful person.  But resolutions have never gotten me there.

I few years back I became intrigued with the idea of a word guiding my year.  Choosing that word can be challenging.  I ponder a variety of ideas, trying hard not to pick a word just because others are choosing it.  I often read an array of blog posts, paying close attention to the rationale guiding the word choice, at the same time thinking about my personal goals and intentions for the new calendar year.

Here are my past words:

2014: Play

2015: Explore

2016: Expand

2017: Possibility

2018: Stretch

I notice that I seldom select my word as the year turns.  I seem to need time to mull it over–to come off the whirl of the holidays before deciding on my direction for the new year.  And this year is no different.  I’ve tried on some different words, considered revisiting some from previous years, but it wasn’t until today that I felt the pull of a word for this year.

I know myself well enough to know that I need a word that not only guides but also inspires, one that pushes me beyond what I would do without a muse word.  When I look over the past 5 years of word selections, it was my first word: play, that moved my life forward.  Play reminded me to step beyond my work responsibilities and take time out to enjoy life.  It reminded me to dig in the sand, to laugh with my family, to try things I’d never done before.

So for 2019 I’m asking make to guide me.  As I walked along the beach today, make kept finding a place in my mind.  Make time for exploration and play.  Make minutes count, appreciate all that comes my way.  Be creative, make writing, make art, make a difference. Make healthy choices and make the most of possibilities that present themselves.

I’ll be making an effort to be present and enjoy all that comes my way.

egret on a railing

What One Little Word will guide you this year?