Sunset Tree, a Hashtag Poem: NPM24 Day 1

Inspired by Kim Johnson’s prompt for #verselove over at Ethical ELA, I wrote about a sunset over San Luis Obispo (SLO) (which was also inspired by the tree posing in the setting sun).

#Sunset Tree

#SLO-ing down

#Umbrellaed by the setting sun

#Night knocking

#Sunshine winking behind the tree

#Embraced by warm light

#Tracing lithe limbs

#Travel weary

#Reaching for rest, my dreaming eyes

#Echo back the day

#Enchanted by the sunset tree

2 thoughts on “Sunset Tree, a Hashtag Poem: NPM24 Day 1

  1. Denise Krebs

    Oh, Kim, the sunset tree is so beautiful! I love where you went with this prompt today. Seeing the picture makes each line all the better! I like SLO-ing down (I wouldn’t have got it without the explanation of SLO) and “Sunshine winking behind the tree” So lovely!


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