Friday Fun: NPM24 Day 5

Have you ever written a sevenling? Me either. Leilya’s prompt over at #verselove suggested we write about a Friday date night–and try on a short form. Sevenling was a suggested form, and one I was unfamiliar with. And Friday date night turned into Friday road trip…in the form of a sevenling.

On the road (again)

In the car we sit, miles accumulating like snowdrifts

Mind numbing, body cramping, time freezing

Traffic and Google navigation mishaps punctuated with alltheswearwords

We burst into song, another oldie even I know the lyrics to

Seeking attractions from concrete dinosaurs to indie bookstores

Adventures found in unexpected places

In the hate/love struggle of roadtrips, when I’m with you love always wins

World’s largest flip flop, Rainbow sandal store, San Clemente, CA

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