Tag Archives: Litterati

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

How many photos is too many to take of the beach? That question runs though my mind as I take photo after photo at this place I treasure. Looking through my lens I see the constant change…in light, in tide, in surf, in people, in rocks, in sand, in shells, in surfers, and more.

The unseasonably warm temperatures (80’s in February) and convenient after-work low tides collided to make perfect conditions for walking and taking photos all week long.  I found the most unexpected treasures as I walked.

The warm temps created different layers in the sky…and early in the week an almost misty condition.  These seagulls seemed to be playing tag, chasing each other into the sun.  I love the golden glows in this treasure.


Early in the week the tides were particularly low, exposing large expanses of reef.  I walked way out toward the end of this outcropping where the treasures of tide pools were exposed.


Walking north instead of south another day revealed the treasure of tiny shells instead of rocks under my feet.  I love the colors and textures of the thousands of shells.


There are lots of varieties of seagulls too.  These guys always crack me up…I swear they look like Groucho Marx with their thick eyebrows and funny hairdos.  And I caught this guy in quite a pose!


And thanks to my husband and my friend Janis, I can’t walk the beach without noticing the trash that washes onto shore.  This was a week for interesting trash…shoes, pvc pipe, electrical cord, and many surfboard fins.  I’m kind of a trash snob, I prefer to photograph and pick up the most exotic trash…like this piece of shoe that seems to be turning into its own island!  (Thanks #litterati for featuring this one as your Facebook and Twitter photo of the day on Thursday.)


Yesterday as I bent down to photograph this fin, I was in the perfect position to catch the surfer in the background.  I can imagine him thinking, “Where did that fin go?”  Once photographed, I pick up the trash and carry it to the trashcan (or sometimes take it home–I seem to be starting a surfboard fin collection!).


And I can never resist taking my favorite shot as I head toward the parking lot…one that features the sun setting behind the lifeguard tower, truly a treasure to behold!  (Complete with sun flare)


So where do you find your treasures?  Are they revealed as the snow falls?  As you dig in the garden? Exposed by the light shining through the window of your house?

You can post your photo alone or along with some words: commentary, a story, a poem…maybe even a song! I love to study the photographs that others’ take and think about how I can use a technique, an angle, or their inspiration to try something new in my own photography. (I love a great mentor text…or mentor photo, in this case!) I share my photography and writing on social media. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter using @kd0602. If you share your photos and writing on social media too, please let me know so I can follow and see what you are doing. To help our Weekly Photo community find each other, use the hashtag #treasure for this week and include @nwpianthology in your post.

The beach revealed many treasures for me this week.  I can’t wait to see the treasures you find through your lens!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Color

As I looked through my photos this month, I noticed that many of them are monochromatic (grays and blues and whites).  Maybe this is a side effect of winter–a time when flowers are less likely to bloom, people wear dark colors, and the sun may be muted by cloudy skies.

And although my photo-a-day prompt for today was black and white, I went out in search of color when I stopped to walk after school.  I walked along the beach for a while, watching the extra large waves crash onto the shore (we’re expecting a storm this weekend).  I noticed this bright plastic piece among the rocks and bent down to investigate.  After taking a photo, I picked up the electronic chip to dispose of (in the spirit of #litterati) and continued on my way.


After watching kids playing tag with the waves, I headed up some stairs in search of a different view.  As I neared the top these orange plants came into view…along with the view of the ocean behind them.


As I continued my walk back through an alley, I spied a bouquet of balloons in the park that overlooks the beach.  They were tied to the top of a small doll house…and they glowed in the sun.  I did play around with some editing apps to see what I could create…and here is one version.


Yesterday I also did some filter play…enhancing the sunset that was already irresistible. The colors in the sky were inspiring!  (I do wish you could see the paddle boarder out there, silhouetted in the sunset.


I take lots and lots of photos of this tree near my driveway…especially when the sky calls out to me.  We’ve had lots of pink and orange skies lately…like this one I snapped earlier this week.


Last weekend I had my zoom lens out on the beach (you can read more about that here), and noticed this girl laying in the warmer, shallow waters of the tide pool.  I wasn’t quite quick enough to catch her laying down, but I did catch her brightly colored wetsuit as she flipped her hair forward and sat up.


And I love playing around with night photography–and the full moon offered a great opportunity over the weekend.  I love the bright red and yellow colors of In and Out Burger foregrounding the full moon.


So, even though it’s still winter and colors are harder to find, search out some color to feature this week.  Or you might do like I did, and experiment with some editing apps to deepen or brighten the colors you do find.

You can post your photo alone or along with some words: commentary, a story, a poem…maybe even a song! I love to study the photographs that others’ take and think about how I can use a technique, an angle, or their inspiration to try something new in my own photography. (I love a great mentor text…or mentor photo, in this case!) I share my photography and writing on social media. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter using @kd0602. If you share your photos and writing on social media too, please let me know so I can follow and see what you are doing. To help our Weekly Photo community find each other, use the hashtag #color for this week and include @nwpianthology in your post.

So go out in search of color.  What will you find when you search for color through your lens?

Weekly Photo Challenge: #litterati

I’m working to get back to more regular exercise…more than just on weekends.  On Monday I made it to the gym and felt good about getting my heart rate up and logging some miles on the treadmill.  But when I considered heading back there on Wednesday, the beach called my name instead.  And because the low tide coincided with the time I had for exercise, I headed outside to log my miles.

I always walk with a camera–either my Sony a6000 or my phone, so taking pictures is always part of my beach walk practice.  Most often, I walk with my husband and his practice is picking up the trash he finds on the beach.  When the trash is interesting, I take photos of it and post it to Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #litterati.  Litterati is an effort to bring awareness to the problems of trash in our environment–they encourage people to photograph trash, throw it away, and post the photo to social media.  My friend Janis takes the most amazing photos of trash–they are truly art!  Some of them are currently on display at the Bay Model Exhibit in Marin County, near San Francisco, CA.  She also picks up pounds and pounds of trash on the beach.

This past week I have found lots of sunglasses.  Here’s a favorite from yesterday.


Here’s a pair my husband found (and I photographed) over the weekend.


And then there’s the random horse you find intertwined in the kelp.


Today Geoff picked up a full bag of bits of plastic.  Wrappers, bags, cups, water bottles, plastic balls, and more.




So let’s make this week’s photo challenge be about raising awareness about litter in our favorite places.  Where do you find litter?  Take its photo, pick it up and throw it away, and share the image with the hashtag #litterati to help others remember that trash is a problem for all of us.

You can post your photo alone or along with some words: commentary, a story, a poem…maybe even a song! I love to study the photographs that others’ take and think about how I can use a technique, an angle, or their inspiration to try something new in my own photography. (I love a great mentor text…or mentor photo, in this case!) I share my photography and writing on social media. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter using @kd0602. If you share your photos and writing on social media too, please let me know so I can follow and see what you are doing. To help our Weekly Photo community find each other, use the hashtag #litterati for this week and include @nwpianthology in your post.

Enjoy your favorite place (or places) and be on the lookout for litter!  Let’s all make an effort to keep our environment clean so it can be enjoyed for generations to come!

The Vibrance of Walking

There is something about putting one foot in front of the other, moving forward, heading somewhere–even if the destination isn’t clear.  I’ve really only learned to appreciate walking in the last few years…before that it was simply a way to get from one place to another rather than an activity in itself.

As I read Brainpickings today, this piece about walking and wanderlust caught my attention.  Rebecca Solnit wrote a book called Wanderlust: A History of Walking…and though I haven’t read the book, this quote caught my attention:

Thinking is generally thought of as doing nothing in a production-oriented culture, and doing nothing is hard to do. It’s best done by disguising it as doing something, and the something closest to doing nothing is walking. Walking itself is the intentional act closest to the unwilled rhythms of the body, to breathing and the beating of the heart. It strikes a delicate balance between working and idling, being and doing. It is a bodily labor that produces nothing but thoughts, experiences, arrivals.

And for me, walking is a way of paying attention.  Paying attention to my thoughts and feelings and to the world around me.  That “nothing” of walking works as production for me.  It generates creativity, increases my energy and problem solving, and generally increases the vibrance of my daily life.

Walking some dusty urban trails in our downtown park yesterday, I was struck by these vivid desert flowers.  They’ve taken advantage of the rains in May and blooms are in evidence.



Up hills and down, following the twists and turns of the trails I noticed the dryness and imagined what the brush would look like in August.  But for now, a carpet of color explodes calling to the bees and other pollinators…and reminding me to notice and appreciate beauty in unlikely spaces, beyond the park’s groomed landscapes and curated exhibits.  Geoff and I were noticing the differences in the yellow flowers…and naming the ones we have come to know, natives (like me) to this dry and wondrous place.


And in the formal park, we walked by many beautiful blooms.  This hibiscus caught my eye–not only because it is vivid and beautiful, but because of the way the stamen cast a shadow onto the petals.  It would have been easy to walk by, but because I was walking with no particular destination, I took the time to lean down and look closely–finding something wondrous!


Walking, ideally, is a state in which the mind, the body, and the world are aligned, as though they were three characters finally in conversation together, three notes suddenly making a chord. Walking allows us to be in our bodies and in the world without being made busy by them. It leaves us free to think without being wholly lost in our thoughts.


The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series of thoughts. This creates an odd consonance between internal and external passage, one that suggests that the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. A new thought often seems like a feature of the landscape that was there all along, as though thinking were traveling rather than making. And so one aspect of the history of walking is the history of thinking made concrete — for the motions of the mind cannot be traced, but those of the feet can.

Today’s landscape for walking was quite different as I headed out in the early morning light, beckoned by the low tide and time pressures.  There was a stillness beneath the rhythmic roar of the waves, quieting the shouts of work that needs doing and responsibilities to deal with, creating space for thought…and no thought.


And while I find my peace though the lens of my camera, Geoff finds his in his call to pick up litter in this beautiful place.  There are plenty of plastic straws, baggies, and food wrappers…and the occasional vibrant red ball left behind, bounced onto the shore by the waves.  We are both engaged in our art, in the rhythms of our body, and in the vibrance of the walk.


Unexpected Yellow

After a warm summer that lasted almost all the way to the solstice, temperatures have cooled, we’ve had several rainy days in the last couple of weeks, and the sun is having a hard time making its way through the thick clouds along the coast.  So while yellow is expected at the beach in the summertime, it is much harder to find on a gray, almost winter day.

With a nice low tide this afternoon, we couldn’t wait to get to the beach to explore and walk. Since we were north of our usual beach running some holiday errands, we decided to walk at a beach different from our usual place.  Near a jetty, this beach is rockier than the one where we usually walk.  So we practiced our usual beachwalk pasttimes–taking photos, picking up trash, and searching for sea glass…and what a bonanza we found!

Sadly, there was abundant trash on the beach, especially small pieces of plastic.  And there was a bit of yellow…this packet of mustard tucked in the rocks.  And as good Litterati, we took the photo, picked up the trash, and disposed of it properly.

yellow-litterati mustard

With my eyes tuned for yellow, I started to notice yellow all around me.  Not bright, summer sunshine yellow, but earthy sandstone yellow.  (And if you look closely, you can catch a glimpse of the piece of green sea glass that I picked up too!)

yellow reef

Looking into the distance, you can see the ripply texture of the low-tide reef and its yellow hue.

yellow low tide

As I watched the seabirds and listened to the music of the waves crash along the shore, I could feel the stresses of the weeks leading up to my winter break wash away and the muscles in my back and shoulders begin to unknot.

yellow-ocean music

The rhythms of the rocks rolling with the tide added a spring to my step and energized me. I began to notice the colors of the rocks, the browns and greens and yellows…

yellow rubble

And as we left, heading off for a few more of those holiday errands, a strip of yellow opened on the horizon just beyond the empty lifeguard tower.

Yellow sky behind tower

Unexpected and welcome yellow at the beach.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Found

Do you speak in images? Enjoy taking photos to document your experiences or just to express what you notice in the world? Love to share them with others? Welcome to the weekly photo challenge! I post a new challenge each week…check in regularly and join the fun!

Just this morning one of my students found me just as I was heading out for recess duty…  “Do you want to see a really big spider?”  How could I resist that invitation?  As she led me around the corner from our classroom, this is what we found!

school spider

I’m not a big spider fan, but I do appreciate the wonderful striped legs…and couldn’t resist getting close enough for a picture!

I also had my camera (phone) out yesterday at school documenting our student readers at work.  There is something just so precious and powerful about finding a first grade reader engaged and hard at work.

first grade reader

I make lots of finds on the beach.  This week I’ve been fortunate that low tide (and beautiful, warm weather) has corresponded with the time I have left work, offering me a wonderful opportunity for some beach walks before heading home.  Yesterday I heard this urgent high pitched sound and then found these birds, seemingly engaged in quite a conversation (or perhaps a bird argument)!

bird argument

As I was heading up the stairs toward the parking lot, I found this hat and sunglasses perched on the railing.  It was fun to play with some editing tools to create an interesting effect…and a burst of light where the sun played with the water.

hat and glasses

Over the weekend, as my husband and I walked we engaged in two favorite beach walking activities…searching for beach glass (not easy to find) and being litterati: finding trash, photographing it, and disposing of it (unfortunately, way too easy!).  We did find this beauty of a piece of light green glass…

beach glass

and this mylar balloon bouncing along the shore.  We collected the glass and disposed of the balloon, both making the beach a little bit cleaner and the sea animals a little bit safer.


And sometimes my best photos come from things I find around the house.  One of my student’s parents brought these pomegranates for us from their tree.  I had tucked them into my refrigerator for my hubby to use in one of his recipes…until I was thinking about fall and realized they would make a great still life photo.  I love the way the light comes into my dining room in the afternoon, washing the table in warm light.  Here’s my little bit of fall find.

pomegranate in sun

So what will you find that catches your eye…and your lens…this week?  Will you stumble over it, be led to it by a student or child, pull it from the refrigerator, or find it on an outing?

You can post your photo alone or along with some words: commentary, a story, a poem…maybe even a song! I love to study the photographs that others’ take and think about how I can use a technique, an angle, or their inspiration to try something new in my own photography. (I love a great mentor text…or mentor photo, in this case!)

I share my photography and writing on social media. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter using @kd0602. If you share your photos and writing on social media too, please let me know so I can follow and see what you are doing. To help our Weekly Photo community find each other, use the hashtag #found for this week and include @nwpianthology in your post.

What have you found lately?  I can’t wait to see what you find through your lens!

Can We Crowdsource Equity?

I’ve been thinking about photography and the power of images to influence perceptions…and to change actions.  Litterati came to my attention earlier this month–a movement that encourages people to photograph litter they find, clean the litter up, and post the photo on social media with the hashtag #litterati.  I love the idea!  And I also love the way that so many of the photographs that people post are so beautiful!  My friend Janis took this amazing photo of an abandoned yellow bucket…and some others including one of a Starbucks cup today on the ground nestled in some orange tulip tree blossoms.  As I admire the beauty of her photography, I also think about the impact of the trash and I become more aware of the trash around me.

And then Mia over at the  #clmooc posted this video about the Landfill Harmonic where a music teacher, a garbage picker, and children from a Paraguayan slum make musical instruments from trash in the landfill, and then work to create a better life for the children who  play beautiful music on these instruments.

This morning a tweet about a TED talk caught my eye.  The Silent Drama of Photography.

I listened to Sebastiao Salgado to tell his story about his obsession with photography as he captured the devastation of war and death and destruction–to the point where doctors told him that his photography was killing him.  He turned away from photography and returned to Brazil, his homeland, and decided to work to restore the rainforest that was lost to human encroachment by planting native trees and plants–and giving his family’s ranch to the country as a nature preserve.  Through this work he found his love of photography again and changed his focus from photographing humans to photographing nature, capturing the beauty of the land reclaimed.

I find myself considering the question Janis asks in her post about the abandoned yellow bucket…how can we, as educators and those who care about the education of our young people, use photos to bring attention to the “litter” in education–all those practices that stamp out the passion for learning and treat students as cogs in a learning machine–to allow spaces for creativity, critical thinking, and pure joy of learning?  To allow all students this access, regardless of socioeconomic status, skin color, language background, and test scores.  Can we use photography as a way to crowdsource awareness towards equity in education?