
It’s so easy to break a good habit, even after it has been well established. When I started this blog, I wrote daily for months on end.  Of course, I did it because I knew if I stopped (and I was afraid to stop for even one day), I would have a hard time getting back on track.

I guess I was right.

This week, my friend and colleague Kevin posted a prompt on the NWP iAnthology, inviting some short-form writing in the form of Haiku, 3 line poems, for the purpose of healing the spirit.  #haikuforhealing is a hashtag where people are sharing these poems meant to raise spirits.  I noticed Kevin writing them in December, making posters of them with inspirational images as their backdrop.  I enjoyed them…and thought about writing some of my own.

So when the prompt came up on Saturday, I decided to try my hand at it. I started with a photo I had taken and posted on Instagram.  I imported it into Canva and added my words. My first #haikuforhealing was born.


On Sunday my schedule didn’t allow for a long photo-taking walk. Instead, I snapped a shot of the moon through the trees in the Trader Joe’s parking lot.  I messed with it a bit in prisma, amping up the color. Hmmm…a Haiku about the moon?  I could do that.


It rained quite a bit on Monday, but it had stopped by the time I left work. Knowing rain was in the forecast later in the week, I decided to take a walk on the beach on the way home.  The clouds were sitting low, hugging the horizon, as the sun tried its best to peek through.  Inspiration for another #haikuforhealing?  Why not?


Should I go for four days in a row?  One of the things I love about living near the coast is the proximity to the trains. I hear them as I walk on the beach, I hear them as I teach, and they frequently hold me up at intersections as the guards lower, the lights flash, and the train barrels past.Today I was walking toward my car when the rail guards dropped, giving me just enough time to snap a few shots…and think about a Haiku…


I don’t know if I have re-established a habit of daily writing, but I am four days into daily #haikuforhealing writing.  I’m enjoying it.  I like creating the poster with my photograph and words…and sharing it on Twitter (@kd062) makes me feel accountable (at least to myself).

Join in the healing, let Haiku shift your perspective and help you find inspiration, beauty, meaning…  And if you have other ideas to keep the daily writing fresh and doable, I’d love to hear about them!


11 thoughts on “#haikuforhealing

  1. luhoka

    Way to get back on track! These images and poems are such a great reminder to be in the moment and appreciate your surroundings. Always easier to do in some places than others, but important wherever you are. Thanks for sharing!

    1. kd0602 Post author

      If only I can make it stick! Trying to get to regularly without making it an obsession…looking for balance. And thanks for the reminder about being in the moment–I’m glad that came across, I’m working on that too. 🙂

  2. Pingback: An Invitation to Connect and Make Poetry: NPM20 Day 2 | Thinking Through My Lens

  3. Carolyn Crossley

    I am a member of The Daily Haiku, a Facebook group of more than 2,500 like-minded poets. Come along and join us, you will learn so much! Amanda White who set the group up is lovely. We have daily themes that we vote on, weekly themes, slow renga on Wednesday today, fast renga on Friday evenings and alternate weekends we have a discussion series on famous writers of haiku/ haiga – which is what the collaboration of digital photos with written haiku is called.
    It is an easy going, friendly site and you can do as much or as little as you like. I am inviting you. ❤👩‍🦰🧡🦊❤ Carolyn xxx


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